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Brand new rules of car buying in Brisbane

By: Shafiq Ezati, On: June 12, 2017, Categories: Automotive Tips, Comments: no responses

These days there are a lot of models that are more advanced and reliable than ever before. And, this truly makes car buying a difficult process. Even if you are a savvy car buyer, you can still end up getting a bad deal or make an uninformed decision. And a lot of choices available in


3 Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Car

By: Shafiq Ezati, On: March 28, 2017, Categories: Automotive Tips, Comments: no responses

All good things must come to an end, and this is no less true in the automotive sense. You may have the best car you have ever bought, and the idea of losing it may bring on waves of despair. But one day you are going to have to replace it. There are a few


Handy Hints for Fuel Saving

By: Shafiq Ezati, On: February 12, 2017, Categories: Automotive Tips, Comments: no responses

With the price of fuel rising all the time, it makes sense that anyone would want to find ways to save on oil. So with that in mind, Usedcarguys car buyers in Brisbane, has decided to come up with some great ways to do just that: Make Sure You Drive Economically Make sure that you


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